Je bent hier: Bedrijven / Innovation Origins
We are Innovation Origins, an European platform about innovation, start-ups and technologies that will shape the world of tomorrow. We are independent journalists who prefer to show what tomorrow’s world can look like, rather than focus on what goes wrong today. In 2015 we started as a local medium about innovation, but today we tell the story of innovation across Europe. We are Your Sneak Preview of the Future!
We write what and about what we want. Even if we have an appointment with a company, we decide what will be published online. Read more about our independence. Innovation Origins is a European platform that showcases start-ups who work towards a better future. It is important to us to show that great ideas are not only born in Sillicon Valley, but in Europe! We do not remain stuck in the past. We introduce you to start-ups and companies that are working on this future. Not what happened yesterday, but what is relevant tomorrow! We are always open to suggestions, tips, and collaborations. We would like to learn from our readers, who may have different expertise.
We always base our reporting on the facts, also in editorials and columns. We realize that others sometimes know more than we do and therefore call on our visitors to correct us where necessary. A special remark for our choice of photos: we do everything we can to only use the most relevant images, but if we can do better – or if we used a picture we are not entitled to – please let us know and we will change or delete it. We don’t believe in paywalls, that is why all we publish is available for free. This way, the story of innovation can reach as many people as possible. To keep all our content free, we rely on partners and donations.