Je bent hier: Evenementen / ITEA Project Outline Preparation Days 2024
T: +31 (0)88 003 6136
Taal: English
Datum: 10 Sep 2024
Tijd: 12:30 - 14:00
Toegangsprijs: €195
The ITEA Project Outline Preparation Days (ITEA PO Days) - is the must-attend event that fosters project creation and consortium building for ITEA Call 2024. This year's event, taking place from 10 to 12 September 2024 in the Flanders Meeting & Convention Center - a room with a ZOO in Antwerp, will also feature a project exhibition, the 2024 ITEA Award ceremony, a B2B session and a (newcomers) workshop.
<p>The<a href="">ITEA Project Outline Preparation Days</a> (ITEA PO Days) - is the must-attend event that fosters project creation and consortium building for ITEA Call 2024. This year's event, taking place from 10 to 12 September 2024 in the Flanders Meeting & Convention Center - a room with a ZOO in Antwerp, will also feature a project exhibition, the 2024 ITEA Award ceremony, a B2B session and a (newcomers) workshop.</p>
<p>The ITEA PO Days 2024 event will integrate the best practices from past events and several new elements, all aimed at preparing your next ITEA Project Outline and ensuring you get the most out of your participation! You can check out the <a href="">full programme</a> here.</p>
<p>In short, the ITEA PO Days 2024 will enable you to:</p>
<li>Present your project idea(s) and/or learn about other project ideas</li>
<li>Discuss and work on your project ideas in constructive working group sessions</li>
<li>Meet organisations and potential partners from all over Europe and beyond</li>
<li>Meet Public Authorities to discuss your idea(s) and learn more about the specific funding rules in your country at an early stage</li>
<li>Learn from the best during the ITEA Awards of Excellence ceremony 2024</li>
<li>Get inspired by the ITEA projects at the exhibition 'Highlights of the ITEA impact'</li>
<li>And see how the ITEA Office can support you during the full project lifetime</li>
<li><strong>NEW THIS YEAR</strong>: B2B sessions and a (newcomers) workshop on managerial topics in the afternoon of 10 September!</li>
<p><strong>Project exhibition - 'Highlights of the ITEA impact'</strong><br />
For many years, ITEA projects have resulted in cutting-edge innovations that have impact on society and economy. This year, we will highlight the impact of running and recently finished ITEA projects at the project exhibition on 10 September, from 13:00 - 15:30 hrs. The exhibition will be open to all ITEA PO Days 2024 participants. Join us to learn more about the projects' latest innovations!</p>
<p><strong>NEW ELEMENTS: (Newcomers) workshop and B2B session</strong><br />
After the exhibition, we have organised a (newcomers) workshop and B2B session on 10 September, from 16:30 - 18:00 hrs. During the workshop we will explain how to shape your PO, give a demo of the PO submission tool, and share insights in the financial and legal aspects of an ITEA project. Experienced project leaders will also share their Tips and Tricks.</p>
<p>In parallel there will be B2B sessions, during which you can already get in touch with possible future project partners and briefly explain your project idea or expertise. A fully integrated tool has been developed to help you find the right contacts!</p>
<p><strong>Don't delay your registration<strong><br />
The participation fee for the ITEA PO Days is 195 EUR (VAT excluded). You can register at: <a href=""></a>.</p>
<p><em>Note: The number of registration spots for this event is limited, and last year's event was fully booked, so please make sure you register in time! Please be aware that you need to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) to be able to participate to the ITEA PO Days.</em></p>
<p><strong>Online ITEA PO Days Preparation session</strong></p>
<p>From experience we know that the ITEA PO Days are fully-packed days, and therefore it is highly recommended to be well-prepared before the start of the event. To facilitate this, we have set up a 1-hour Online ITEA PO Days Preparation session on Thursday 27 June 2024, 13:00 - 14:00 CEST to explain what you can expect from the ITEA PO Days and provide information on the (new) online brokerage tools for ITEA Call 2024. For more information and registration, please check the <a href="">dedicated webpage</a>.</p>
<p><strong>Contact</strong><br />
If you have any questions related to ITEA and/or this event, don't hesitate to contact us at <a href=""></a>.